Family Pictures
was one of the first web sites I wrote in 1995, when putting pictures
on the web was a novelty. The pictures date from the late 70s and early
80s, and were made when taking family photography seriously was almost
unheard of.
West Bermondsey
Not a web site, but a downloadable illustrated leaflet for a walk that
concentrates on the industrial archaeology of the former leather area
of Bermondsey in South East London. I wrote this in 1992 largely to show
how simple, cheap and easy it was to produce such things with Pagemaker
and a laser printer. I sold around five hundred copies over the next five
years, gave some to the church in Bermondsey St to sell, and gave away
many more, before deciding to put it on the web rather than bother to
print any more. Although the area has changed considerably, it it still
an interesting walk to follow.
Pure Genius
was an event to mark the first anniversary of the occupation of the Wandsworth
Eco-Village site in May 1996. For around 6 months an area of long derelict
land sprang into alternative life.
Café Ideal,
Cool Blondes & Paradise
colour pictures of London in the late 80s and early 90s by Peter Marshall
which look at shop windows and other ways in which people advertise their
presence on the streets.
london diary
a diary of my photography in London - covering events an my wanderings
around the capital and occasionally outside it, as well as some of my
comments on it. Begun around 2000, this site now has around 150,000 pictures
on line, arranged by year, month and event for simple navigation.
The Lea Valley - River Lea - Lea Navigation
includes pictures from the source at Leagrave to the Thames at Limehouse
and Bow Creek.
Still Occupied - A View of Hull
Based around images from a large show at the Ferens Art Gallery in
Hull in 1983, I put this site on-line to celebrate Hull's year as 2017
UK City of Culture, adding a new image from the 1970s and 1980s every
day throughout the year. I continue to add pictures to the site, though
less regularly.
Groups and Group Shows etc
London Arts Café
Was a charitable company set up to promote art in and about cities, which
came to an end in 2007/8. I wrote the website, helped to edit the magazine,
and was a director and also treasurer for some years as well as photographing
many of its activities, curating or co-curating several exhibitions including
'Cities of Walls, Cities of People', shown in Nov-Dec 2001 and running
several workshops and guided walks.
4 on London
is a site I wrote about a photography exhibition in London early in 2000,
where I was one of the four photographers whose work was shown.
was the Millennium project of a London based photography group which is
adding a picture a day to the site throughout 2000, taken on the corresponding
day in 1999. This project also produced a CD-ROM which has a similar interface
to the web site, but also includes virtually every picture submitted for
the project - over 700 images taken in London by over 40 photographers.
This is a great example of simple interface design by Samuel
Another London
Photographs by Paul Baldesare, Peter Marshall and Mike Seaborne, shown
in London in 2007
English Carnival
Photographs by Paul Baldesare, Peter Marshall, David Trainer and Bob Watkins
shown in London in October 2008 as a part of Photomonth2008.
Taken in London
Photographs by Paul Baldesare and Peter Marshall, on show in London in
2009 as a part of Photomonth2009 and the This is Not A Gateway Festival.
Urban Landscapes
A web site curated by Mike Seaborne and Peter Marshall which features
outstanding work on the urban landscape from photographers around the
was a kind of laboratory for developing photographers through a series
of critical meetings and exhibitions. This unfinished site shows some
of the history of this group which organised around 20 exhibitions. I
have some further material to add, but would also welcome contributions
from others who were involved.
was the Journal of London Independent Photography, a group I helped to
found around 1989. I edited this magazine for around five years, producing
a magazine with a number of challenging features which gained a wider
readership for its later issues on the web. The content from these is
still available online. I resigned as editor when writing professionally
elsewhere took up too much of my time.
Fixing Shadows
is one of the best non-commercial photographic portfolio sites on the
web, thanks to the enthusiasm of its founder, David Sapir, and was the
first external sites to display portfolios of my pictures. There are also
portfolios from some fine photographers, including several well known
names, and some historical figures.
About Photography
I no longer have any connection with the photography site at About.com, Inc. The several thousand
articles I wrote for that site from May 1999-May 2007 are no longer on
line. You may be able to find some of them in the 'Internet Archive'.
Web sites wishing to republish any of the material can still do so by
contacting About.com and making the licence payment required.
If you have an interest in photographs or the history of photography,
you will find a considerable amount of information at the Luminous
Lint web site, designed for the professional
and fine art photographer, serious amateurs and photography collectors.